A community shop owned and run by the locals of Barford, Warwickshire
The 15th Annual General Meeting
Barford Village Shop CIC
was held at 8:00pm on Wednesday 14th June 2023 in
Barford Memorial Hall
The business included
1. Welcome by the Chairman.
2. Apologies
3. Approval of the 2022 AGM minutes
4. Matters Arising
5. Chairman’s report for the year 2022/23
6. Approval of the Financial Statements for the year 2022/23
7. Report on Barford Community Charity
8. Report by Sub Post Master on Post Office activity
9. As required under The Companies Act 2006 The Board propose a special resolution for
Barford Village Shop CIC to purchase own shares which reads:
To approve contracts of purchase between persons named below and the company.
Mr. Bruce Parker
Miss L Sidoli
Mr. L Sidoli
Mrs. Shirley Osbourne
Ms. Julie Osbourne
Mr. Robert Osbourne
10.Appointment of fashion jewelry set wholesaler Directors.
To approve ordinary resolutions to elect the following as Directors of the company.
Mr. Peter Hollier
Ms. Colette Long
Mr. Jonathan Holliday
Are you a village shop shareholder?
Shares cost £20 (restricted to one per person over the age of 18), application forms are available from The Shop
We do not pay out dividends but shareholders are entitled to attend our AGM and have a say in the way the shop is run. You could also put your name forward to become a Director.