Have you ever thought about volunteering at the shop?
It is a great social hub and a fantastic way to meet your fellow neighbours. PLUS you are giving something back to the local community. You don’t have to do shifts every week – you can ‘float’ and fill in when convenient to you.
Go on – give it a try!

Our volunteers are a fab team who represent our whole community. They are aged from 14 to 92 and all have different personalities and strengths. Between them they make the shop the vital social hub of the village.
We have 2 social evenings a year as a thank you for all their hard work. So far we have had Indoor Curling, Skittles, Wind up horse racing, quizzes, barn dancing, country dancing, suppliers evenings and many more great nights. We really do have a great team!
Counter staff
Volunteers do one or two shifts a week. Each shift consist of 3 hours. There are always two volunteers on each shift.
Wholesaler Delivery
About an hour on a Wednesday morning to help unpack our big delivery.
Stock Takes, Spring Cleaning and Maintenance
Normally on a Sunday afternoon when needed.
Full training and support are given.
Think you might like to make a difference? Pop into the shop, have a chat and pick up a form or get in touch using the contact details on our Home page.